by TC JGül Arslan
In 2002, Julia Gül Arslan founded the Australia-Gallipoli Friendship Society and has worked tirelessly in the years since to encourage communication and friendship between the two countries. Julia is the author of the book: ‘Johnny Turks—Memoirs of Gallipoli’ (2007). Julia has kindly sent us a poem which we have published (below) in both Turkish and English.
Yıl 1915, ANZAKlar beni tanımadan, Bana’Abdül’ demişler, Üstelik beni nedensiz düşman bellemişler, Benimle savaşmaya karar vermişler.” Görmüşler onlarla mertce savaşıyorum, Savaş ta olsa düşman doktorlarını, hastalarını öldürmüyorum, Hastane gemilerine bomba atmıyorum, Savaştaki merhametimi görmüşler, Adıma ‘Johnny Türk’ demişler. Düşman esirlerine insanca davrandım, Yaralılarını kurtardım, Sigaramı bile paylaştım, Savaştaki insanlığımı görmüşler, Bana ‘Johnny Türk’ demişler. Ikiyüzbin askere karsi istila edilmış toprağim için savaştım, Oysa barıştan yanaydım, Ama vatanı korumak zorundaydım, Benden günah gitti dedim, Yurdum icin canımı feda ettim, Cesaretimi görmüşler, Adıma ‘Johnny Türk’ demişler.
Tarihde var mı Atatürk kadar barışcılı ve merti? Haykırmış dünyaya ; ‘Savaşlar cinayettir , zaruri olmadıkça’ Ama…. Gerektiğinde, emretmiş Mehmetçiğe; ‘Size savaşmayı değil, ölmeyi emrediyorum’ Hangi kumandan söylemiş düşman analarına; “Onlar da bizim evlatlarımızdır, yatıyorlar koyun koyuna, bu dost ülke; Çanakkale / Türkiye’de “ Yüreğimizi görmüşler. Bize ‘Johnny Türk’ demişler . Yıl 2006, 91 yıl geçmişti aradan. Tanımlandı tekrar atan; ‘Şerefli ve Onurlu Düşman‘ olarakdan, Kilometrelerce uzaktan, Avustralya’dan, Viktorya Gaziler Derneği (RSL) başkanı David Maclaghlan tarafindan Sen Türk coçuğu, Tanı atanı, Yitirmemiş insanlığını, Savunurken vatanıni,… Yillar geçti aradan, Sen hala çıkmadın rüyadan, Utanalım artık aklanmadan geçen yıllardan, Sabırsızlanıyor, bize armağan edilen bu vatan. Julia Gul Arslan2008.
The year was 1915. Before knowing me the ANZACs called me ‘Abdul’, with no reason, they declared me enemy. So, they decided to fight against me. They noticed that I fight bravely against them, that I do not kill doctors or the wounded of the enemy soldiers, even in war time.
I do not bomb hospital ships of the enemy. They witnessed that I am merciful, even in wartime. So they started to call me ‘Johnny the Turk’. I treated enemy soldiers with respect, I saved their wounded, I even shared my cigarettes with them. They noticed my kindness, so they named me ‘Johnny the Turk’.
I fought against 250,000 soldiers to regain my invaded land. Even though I preferred to live in peace I had to protect my land. Without any guilt and with a clear conscience I sacrificed my life for my land. They saw my courage, so they started to call me ‘Johnny the Turk’.
Is there any leader in history who loved peace as much and was as brave as Atatürk? Atatürk called out to the world: ‘War is a crime unless defence of the nation is concerned’. However, when necessary, he commanded his soldiers: ‘I am ordering you not to fight, but to die’.
He also reconciled with the enemy by saying ‘Do not cry you the mothers of fallen soldiers. Your sons are now lying in our bosom at Çanakkale in Turkey. They will lie forever side by side with our fallen soldiers’. The ANZACs saw our heart and soul, so they started to call us ‘Johnny the Turk’.
The year was 2006. Eighty-nine years later [Victorian RSL] President David McLachlan referred to Turkish soldiers as ‘honourable enemy’ — from a far away country – Australia! The year is now 2015. You, the Turkish youth should know your ancestors. They never lost humanity even while defending our land against a very powerful enemy.
One hundred years have gone by. You did not wake up from your dream, yet shame, if we have not cleared out your memory. For the land earned with your blood is getting impatient.
TC JGül Arslan Julia Gül Arslan (Founder of the Australia-Gallipoli Friendship Society, 2002); Author of the book: ‘Johnny Turks—Memoirs of Gallipoli’, 2007.