Another Gallipoli Centenary
One of our French G&DI members, Dr Jean-Charles Profizi, celebrated his 100th birthday on 3 May 2015, one week after the Gallipoli Centenary Commemorations.
Dr Profizi lives in Toulon in France and has a strong family connection with Gallipoli, having actually been born during the campaign. His father fought at Kereves Dere in the second battle of Krithia. He was wounded in action, but survived a bullet wound to the head.
Dr Profizi explains: “I am very old—100 years on the 3rd of May next [2015]. I am a Ward of the Nation, because my father was injured [on] the 9 May 1915 at [the] Kereves Dere fight. I was four days old!”
Gallipoli & Dardanelles International takes this opportunity on behalf of all its members to wish Dr Profizi our warmest congratulations and best wishes on reaching this historic milestone. We are privileged and honoured to have him as our first centenarian G&DI member.
You can read more about the French at Gallipoli here:…/2/gallipoli/pdf_files/French.pdf…/french_national_cem_gallipol…