Sikh Regiment at Gallipoli Remembered
On Monday 8 June 2015, a solemn commemoration was held at St Martin-in-the-Fields to remember the contribution of the Sikh Regiment at the battle of Gallipoli and throughout the Great War.
The service was conducted by the Revd Dr Sam Wells, Vicar of St Marin-in-the-Fields and by Mandeep Kaur, Sikh Chaplain to the British Armed Forces. Dr Wells said it was to reach for a vision of a better world and to remember those that died seeking it.
It was a very moving service which included many readings, Sikh music and singing.
Gallipoli & Dardanelles International was represented by President John Crowe.
The church was filled to capacity with representatives from many of the countries involved in the conflict.
Afterwards refreshments were provided for all