Gallipoli & Dardanelles International held a Pre Christmas Reception on Friday 13th December 2024.
Gallipoli & Dardanelles International held a Pre Christmas Reception after their AGM at Queensland House in the Strand, on Friday 13th December 2024.
There was a wonderful atmosphere, as both members and friends gathered for this Pre Christmas Reception. The President thanked the Agent General for Queensland, Ross Buchanan, for allowing the event to take place in Queensland House.
He also thanked all present for attending, many from long distances. Peterborough, Norfolk, Cambridge and Reading. Also very international with representatives from Australia, Turkey and France.
He outlined G&DI’s busy year and plans for next year. Also the exciting development of a friendship link between Snettisham in Norfolk and Kugukanafarta in Turkey.
This was very much in line with G&DI’s aims and objectives of ‘Remembrance’ ‘Friendship’ and ‘Education’
Thanks also to David Ellis, Servet Hassan and Richard Bennet for helping with the photographs.
Lest we forget.